Drug Fever - Forum Sains Indonesia Another group reviewed 25 cases of drug fever from antibiotic pharmacotherapy.[12] Nineteen of the 25 cases were surgical; in 10 of these treatments, the antibiotic was given for prophylaxis. ...
Drug Fever: Drug Fever from Antimicrobial Agents - Medscape Drug fever is not uncommon during antibiotic therapy, and it is particularly problematic since temperature is frequently monitored to gauge clinical response in ...
Drug Fever - Medscape Drug fever is usually suspected when no other cause for the fever can be elucidated, sometimes after antimicrobial therapy has already been started.
What is drug fever? - UIC College of Pharmacy Drug ... Drugs altering thermoregulation; Fevers related to pyrogen release as part of the ... amphotericin, and a variety of antibiotics, such as erythromycin, vancomycin, ...
Drug fever - UpToDate 2014年2月14日 - Fever can be the sole manifestation of an adverse drug reaction in 3 to 5 ... Allergic reactions to parenteral beta-lactam antibiotics in patients ...
Clinical study of drug fever induced by parenteral ... The incidence and clinical features of drug fever induced by antibiotics were investigated. Of a total of 390 patients analyzed, 193 had malignant diseases (lung ...
Drug-induced fever - Wikipedia Drug-induced fever is a state wherein the administration of drugs intended to help a patient causes a hypermetabolic state resulting in fever. The drug may ...
Drug-Induced Fever - Family Practice Notebook 作者:Scott Moses - 2014年8月10日 - Aka: Drug-Induced Fever, Drug Induced Fever, Fever Due to Medications, Drug Fever, Drug-Induced ... Causes: Antibiotic Induced Fever.
Can antibiotics cause fever - Doctor insights on HealthTap ... fever: There is an uncommon reaction to drugs called drug fever. The mechanism is unknown. The fever usually goes away after the drug has been stopped.
Typhoid fever Treatments and drugs - Diseases and ... 2012年8月22日 - Antibiotic therapy is the only effective treatment for typhoid fever. ... These drugs can cause side effects, and long-term use can lead to the ...